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Showing posts from November, 2014

Once Don't Let Me Down

I have been having issues with this season of Once Upon A Time. I thought that this story line with Elsa and Anna and the Snow Queen was going to go a different way. I like the idea of the Snow Queen being their Aunt, and then wanting Emma to join her sisterhood with Elsa, but it just feels dragged out. This is all we have heard of is how sad she is over her sisters not being there for her, and then Emma tries to give up her magic. I jut did not like where this story went, and I do not really like that there is so much of Frozen in the show. I think it's cool don't get me wrong but they put in so much stuff that is just like "oh that's cool", but it is not really important to the story. I Just want this story to be done with so that we can see what is next to come for the group. I still like some of what is going on, but a lot of stuff is just not so appealing. I am really liking the story with Regina and Robin, and her trying to find the writer of the book to

Ship of the Week: Outlaw Queen

Shipping is fun to do and why wouldn't I ship the Evil Queen and Robin Hood? I love their romance because Regina was destined to fall in love with Robin. Tinkerbell told her that her true love was found in a tavern, with a lion tattoo and that was Robin Hood. They meet when the Wicked Witch comes around and from the start their banter was adorable. Robin saw pass her evil past, and insisted that she could indeed have a happy ending with him. How sweet right? A hot hunk of a man like Robin Hood telling you that you and him could have a happy ending together, and just be so in love with you. Only that didn't last...Of course not. Robin Hood's dead wife Marian came back from the past when Emma and Hook went and messed with things after Zelena was defeated. I was so sad because Robin told Regina that he had to stay with Marian for the vows he made her when they were married. Poor Regina, and then Marian falls under a ice curse due to the Snow Queen. Regina tries to dist

Christmas Movies: The Road to Christmas

I love all kinds of stuff about the Christmas season, and one of the biggest things I love to do is watch Christmas movies. I know that is not even Thanksgiving yet, but I cannot wait any longer to enjoy these movies. I love watching all the movies on ABC Family, Lifetime, and Hallmark even if none of them are really good. It is a tradition that I will never change no matter what. A movie that I watched today, The Road to Christmas which is one of my favorite Lifetime movies. I am a sap for Lifetime movies, and this one which stars Clark Gregg is so good to me. It is about this woman Claire who is going to Aspen to get married to her Italian fiance. She has trouble getting there after her flight is diverted and she cannot make it all the way to Aspen by plane. She gets a bus ride, and then this creepy guy gives her a ride, all to end up with Tom Pullman and his daughter Hillie. Tom is a single father after losing his wife years ago. They are traveling to his mothers house for Chris

'Jurassic World' Tease

I am a huge fan of the movie Jurassic Park. The first movie is so good, and is one of my favorite movies to watch. Now when I watched the second movie I was less impressed, but the third installment was better. Now the fourth movie Jurassic World looks pretty good. It is just a teaser trailer but I was sucked in by that tease. Seeing Chris Pratt walk through those doors that we saw in the first movie just made me smile. I am excited to see the full trailer which comes out Thursday the 27. I am really excited for the trailer, and I hope that I like the movie. What about you readers? I want to know how you feel about the new Jurassic film, do you think they should have left it alone? Let me know what you think. ~Keep Dreaming and Scheming~

Ship of the Week: Philinda

Sorry that this post is a day late, I honestly forgot that yesterday was Monday. Here is a late post for my Ship of the Week. This week is another Marvel Universe ship and you might be seeing a lot of these pop up here and there. I have chosen the relationship between Phil Coulson and Melinda May from Agent's of S.H.I.E.L.D and I am obsessed with them. Phil is this nerdy, by the book guy who has know May for years. They were on the mission that changed her life together, and he knew her before she changed. The scenes they have together are just so amazing. May knows him so well, and vice-versa.  In season one when Phil gets really pissed off at her for keeping secrets, it was so sad to see the look on her face of him basically not wanting her around, and worst of all not trusting her. It was so sad, but they make me smile when they have their little moments. I love fanfiction with these two because they are very attractive looking people so reading about them sharing a kiss

So Excited for Age of Ultron

I have seen the trailer for Age of Ultron probably 100 times by now, and I can't get sick of it. I am so excited to watch this movie, and to see the heroes back together again. I just know that it is going to blow my mind, I mean after Captain America: Winter Soldier and everything that had happened to S.H.I.E.L.D just makes things a little more complicated. Plus all the links from Iron Man 3, Thor:The Dark World, and Captain America: Winter Soldier that will have an impact on The Avengers Age of Ultron are going to be so awesome. Joss Whedon has a crazy mind because he makes everything make so much sense, and makes you enjoy everything. I cannot wait for May 1, 2015. I will be spending most of my money buying multiple tickets to see this movie, and I know I will cry hands down. Go and see the movie and watch the amazingness that Marvel has put out. Thank you for reading. ~Keep Dreaming and Scheming!~

Clark Gregg is Majorly Cute

If you follow me on Tumblr then you know that I have been majorly obsessed with Clark Gregg lately. If you've been following me for a long time you will know that Phil Coulson is my favorite character in the Marvel universe. I love that he wasn't in the comics he just came about in Iron Man and captivated so many hearts with his adorable nerdyness. Clark Gregg is such a nerdy fanboy and that is kind of how Coulson is too, and it is freaking awesome to see. I just got caught up in Agent's of S.H.I.E.L.D and I love it so much. I remember being in love with Clark Gregg when I first saw him in The New Adventures of Old Christine when he played Richard. He is so funny and his comedic timing is quite great, and just when he says certain tings it makes me crack up so hard. He is so dorky and cool at the same time. I love how he looks in glasses, he is just flipping cute and so damn handsome. I could go on and on and I do on Tumblr because that is the place where I do a lot o

Two Hours of Awesome Tonight!

One hour for me is never enough but tonight we get the best treat, and that is a 2-hour special of Once Upon A Time. I am looking forward to the awesomeness that awaits tonight. Rumple helps Emma because she wants to get rid of her powers, but what is the price for her going to him? All magic comes with a price, even if you are getting rid of the magic. The Snow Queen wants Emma as a sister and if she doesn't have any magic that could change things. I am dying to know what the Snow Queen is going to do with those ribbons she got back from Rumple. I also want to know what the final piece of his puzzle is. The first thought I had was "OH NO HE'S GOING TO KILL HOOK!" I just really hope that is not the case. He looked rather excited about it though and said that he'd take pleasure in doing so. I naturally just thought that he'd be killing Hook, but I would cry if that happened. Do not forget to tune in tonight, and I hope that I will not be too emotionally d

Villain Pick Friday: Sylar

Happy Friday everyone! Today's villain pick is none other than Sylar from the NBC series Heroes. Sylar had the ability to steal everyone's ability, and I thought that is part of what made him so great. Not only could he have any power he wanted, but he was super adorable. Played by Zachary Quinto or as a lot of people know him now Mr. Spock. He did an amazing job playing the complicated villain. He was evil, but at times you had a soft spot for him. You felt bad for him, and saddened by his back story. That is what makes a good villain in my opinion. Well part of what makes a good villain. He would use his finger to cut the tops of his victims heads open, and take their brain. That is how he got their power, and I thought it was kind of cool. He ends up going through some crazy stuff and actually ends up helping HRG out and is his partner. Of course like most characters Sylar was on my list of ships with his mate Claire Bennett. I loved the idea of Claire and Sylar a co

Hannibal in Leather...Yes Please

This picture of Mads Mikkelsen on a motorcycle all in leather is my new screen saver. I cannot wait for season 3 of Hannibal. When season 2 ended I was falling on the floor because it was so good, and I was ready for season 3 the second two ended. I am so in love with Mads because to me he is a perfect Hannibal Lecter he is creepy, suave, sexy as all hell, and something in his voice makes you shiver. Seeing him clad in leather straddling a motorcycle is just really sexy to see. I know my posts have been late again and I am sorry. I have been trying to play catch up in pretty  much everything, so I am behind on a lot of shows right now. I will get back on track soon enough. Thank you for reading and sticking with me though. Keep Dreaming and Scheming!

Caskett Tied the Knot!

I know I should probably recap the whole episode, but I am just going to focus on the love between my OTP right here. I have always been a Caskett shipper from the beginning, and now they are married and they are so cute. It was somewhat like the same feeling when Booth and Brennan finally got married on Bones, and now another one of my OTP's have gotten hitched. Castle was in this alternate universe where he and Beckett had never met. Beckett was the Captain, and never got close to her mother's murder. She was totally different and so was Castle. He never wrote Nikki Heat, and he ended up publishing that crappy book and killing Derek Storm. He was thinking if being with Beckett was really right for her, because he couldn't remember the last two months of his life and that was putting its toll on Kate. That is how he ends up in the other world where he and Beckett never even met. When he is back in his world and see's Kate it is so adorable. Back at the precinct h

Ship of the Week: Darcy Lewis/ Loki

Now today I thought I would post about one of my favorite pairings that is not one that most people would think of. Now all the fangirls and what not will know that this pairing is fairly popular in most circles, and it is one of my favorite Darcy Lewis pairings. Darcy Lewis whom is from Thor and Loki whom is also from Thor.  I enjoy reading about these two together, even if you don't actually see them together in the movies. People always bring that up, but I just sigh and tell them they do not understand shipping at all. Loki and Darcy's personalities to me work perfectly together. Darcy is this odd and really smart girl who is very open about what she says and thinks. Loki is a crazy, power tripping guy with abandonment and daddy issues. I love stories where Darcy makes Loki feel so loved, and falls for him even though he tried to destroy the whole human race, and rule over them. One of my favorite stories was about Darcy and Loki have a baby together and he had magic

Once: The Snow Queen

Emma is starting to feel a little unloved again. Mary Margret is going to a mommy and me class with Neal, and Emma is feeling a little saddened by the fact that her childhood is much different than her brothers will be. Also why was Cinderella's baby now a boy? Also why is it still a baby? She had a daughter in season 1, and we see her again and she had a boy. Aurora had her son named Philip, and he is quite cute. Rumple has his final piece of the puzzle for making him unstoppable thanks to the Snow Queen. Speaking of the Snow Queen we got her emotional back story in this episode, and it was quite messed up. First off I got to mention how cute it is seeing Henry in a suit just like his Grandpa working in his shop. Henry is just trying to get some info on how to find the author of the book to help Regina get a happy ending, but Rumple is not putting any magic around the boy what so ever. He is just sweeping the shop, and polishing furniture. That was a cute little fluffy bit to

Villain Pick Friday: Rumplestiltskin

Since I love bad guys so much I thought I would just make a post that focuses on them completely. Today I've been watching Once Upon A Time and thought why not do Rumple? Rumplestiltskin is not only my favorite character on the show, but I like the way his character of a villain is portrayed. He is the guy who appears like he is willing to change for love, but deep down he just doesn't want too. Rumple has Belle in his life, and that could have been his chance to start over which he was going to do, but then he saw something with a lot of power and he just couldn't resist. I mean he is still the dark one, and no amount of love can change that. Belle may love him, and he may love her more than life itself, but that is not enough to get him out of the hold of dark magic. I love that he is so consumed by the darkness because it makes it so interesting to watch. I love watching every week to see just how he is going to mess up his relationship, and how much he is goin

Why I Love Tony Stark?

I have been watching a lot of Marvel lately, paying attention to all the greatness coming soon and it came to my attention that I need to talk about it more. I thought I would talk about my favorite avenger, and that happens to be Mr. Tony Stark/ Iron Man. I have always thought Iron Man was a kick butt avenger, and his attitude just made me laugh. The snarky attitude of Tony Stark makes me smile, and fall in love with him. When Robert Downey Jr. was cast as Iron Man it was amazing, because I love Robert Downey Jr... A lot. I loved Iron Man and it made me laugh at how well RDJ played the part. Now when you mention Tony Stark I just see Robert Downey Jr. He is so cute, funny, smart, witty, and a complete jerk at times but you can't help but love him. He made the iron man suit to save his life, and then he just kept going with it until it became awesome. Then in The Avengers he grew a lot as a character, and was made part of a team. He had to sacrifice himself to save everyone,

The Blacklist Fall Finale Already?

It is already time for the fall finale of The Blacklist and that sucks. I am super excited to see the episode of course, but the cliffhanger that I am sure will follow will be carried around with me for months till it starts again. This season has been pretty intense so far with all the Berlin stuff, and more secrets, and then this stuff with Tom. I just love how the writing is for this show, and the actors do an amazing job bringing the words to life. This is a reminder for all you fans out there to tune in Monday for the new episode of The Blacklist. What is going to happen next? I have no clue but it is going to drive us crazy that much I do know. Thank you for reading and remember, Keep Dreaming and Scheming!

Phil Coulson My Hero *May Contain Spoilers*

*Ahead may contain spoilers from Agent's of S.H.I.E.L.D, Captain America: Winter Soldier.    I have always been a Marvel fan and when I first saw Phil Coulson in Iron Man it was cool, but since he didn't already exist in the Marvel universe it was interesting to see how this character would play out. I did not expect for him to be my favorite character at all. The character of Phil Coulson was created and Clark Gregg does an amazing job as playing him. Clark Gregg is Phil Coulson and it is so wonderfully done, and he is such a dorky, bad ass that I love. I was so sad when I saw him die in The Avengers, and I couldn't believe they killed Phil Coulson. I was so sad, but then something amazing happened. I checked Tumblr, and Twitter one day and there was a hashtag going around, #CoulsonLives. I couldn't stand it and then before anyone of us knew it Agent's of S.H.I.E.L.D came out staring Clark Gregg as Agent Phil Coulson. I was so happy because he is such a gr

Once Upon A Time: Belle's Dirty Little Secret

I must say that this episode got me so much more interested in Belle. I enjoyed her character and her romance with Rumplestiltskin, but seeing more of her back story made me love her a bit more. She has had her run in with Anna and had kept it a secret from Elsa, and her husband. Belle mother was killed in the ogre wars which she didn't even remember. She had to go to Arendelle to find the rock trolls to help her regain her memory. She meets Anna on her journey and we find out that Belle is the last person to know what happened to Anna when she went missing. I have been very pleased with all the Frozen mentions in the season. They even had Oaken in the episode, and I laughed so hard when I heard him say "Yoo-Hoo" I loved that scene in the movie just because is so odd but funny to have in there. That is where Belle meets Anna and she takes her to see the rock trolls. Anna has discovered that her parents went to Rumple seeking a magical hat that would strip away ones ma

Currently Watching Once Upon A Time *Spoilers*

I am about half way through tonight's episode of Once Upon A Time and realized it's been over a week since I posted on here. I am so sorry about that and have no excuse except for I got lazy, and am terrible at multitasking. My thoughts so far on this episode are nothing but positive. I love this whole story going on with Belle and Anna so far and I love that Belle is forcing Rumple to help her. Belle has some dark secrets in her past and even though I am not yet at the end of the episode I like where it's heading. Captain Swan is just so freaking cute. I love them and Hook is so freaking good looking, and I like staring at him. His head tilts are so attractive, and him and Emma together are great. Emma and the Snow Queen were quite fond of each other at one time. The Snow Queen was Emma's foster parent for quite a while, and Emma has no memory of it. Regina and Robin are breaking my heart right now. I can't stand it they were so freaking perfect for each oth