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Queens of Darkness + Rumple = Amazing

Ursula, Cruella, Maleficent, and Rumple are going to blow me away this season. I can already tell that this next half of the season is going to make me have so many emotions. Rumple living with Ursula, eating ramen, and being a freaking evil genius. I love Cruella and I cannot wait to see Maleficent running around with them in Storybrooke. There is something going on between the Queens of Darkness and the Charming's which has me ever so curious about what the heck they were up to in the Enchanted Forest to include Ursula and Cruella.

In Storybrooke we see that the group is trying to find a way to get the fairies out of the sorcerers hat. Hook is beating himself up about it because he was the one who used the hat and trapped them inside. Belle reminds him that it was not his fault and he didn't do anything wrong. I was really liking the Hook and Belle friendship that has sort of formed with the two. Belle is one of my favorite characters and she has come such a long way from when we were first introduced to her. We have seen her time and time again forgive Rumple and always see the best in him, but she just couldn't forgive him this time. He lied to her, and didn't really see the wrong in what he was doing or had done. Belle is working to help translate the text they need to get the fairies out of the hat. Regina uses the dark one's dagger to do it, and the fairies are finally free.

Regina is still trying to find the author so that she can ask him to write her a happy ending. The blue fairy knows something about the storybooks because when Regina shows her and asks about the sorcerer she tenses up. She tells Regina that the sorcerer and the author are two different people. I want to know more about the sorcerer so bad because why is his house just there, and why does he have the authors books in his possession? So many questions that I cannot wait to have answers to.

When the fairies were freed from the hat there was a problem, because a hell beast had escaped as well. It goes after the person whose heart has the most potential for darkness. It is attacking the town and Regina and Emma stun it but they have to find a more permanent solution. Regina gets a call from Rumple's phone but it is Cruella and Ursula on the other end. They want into Storybrooke and they will tell Regina how to defeat the hell beast if they are allowed in. Emma and Regina agree to let them in after that. That is when they tell them about the whole potential for evil thing, and Regina think it is her. I had a feeling it would be Emma though which Rumple tells Cruella and Ursula it is. She has the most potential for darkness and I am already loving that. They lure the beast to the town line and send it over, and it was so cool how it just disappeared.

David and Snow were not to happy about Ursula and Cruella being in town. I want to know why because they went to meet them in the woods to tell them that nobody finds out what happened between them in the Enchanted Forest, especially not Emma. So what went on between them? I know that it will probably be one of those moments where I yell at my TV or just stare completely shocked.

Rumple was the highlight for me hands down. He was the professor who helped Belle translate the text, and responsible for the hell beast getting out, and he got Cruella and Ursula in Storybrooke. It was all part of his plan, but he needed them to let him back into town once they were in because nobody could know that he was back. So now he is back in Storybrooke, and the next step is to get Maleficent. Rumple was so cool walking over that town line though it was my favorite part. He had his limp and was limping and as soon as he crossed that line it was so cool because he just started walking like normal. It was so cool he looked like a such a badass and I loved it.

It was a great episode and I cannot wait to watch more. Next week will be good and I can't wait to see Maleficent in the mix. Thank you for reading everyone.

~Keep Dreaming and Scheming~


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