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Scandal Has Ruined Me

I know that a lot of the posts I've actually gotten up lately have been about Scandal but I cannot help that. This show has grabbed hold of me and will not let go. The season finale has aired already and I'm in my hiatus depression for this show. It doesn't help that all my other shows are in or about to be on hiatus also. 

I think the reason this show has grabbed my attention so hard is because of how real it is. Shonda Rhimes and all the writers show what that life is really hard, and just because it's a TV show doesn't mean it can be anything less than real. I hope that made some sense to people. It is just really good writing, and the fact that not everyone is happy all the time makes me love it. It shows what real relationships are like, and the struggles they face. I mean sure everyone wants Fitz and Olivia together, but it was shown how that kind of relationship would have went if it were happening to someone right now. It is just really easy to relate to and that is a good thing in my opinion. 

Now even though the show will not be returning until mid season due to Kerry Washington's pregnancy I have no worries. I mean sure I'll have Scandal withdraws, but I will survive. I mean all the congrats to Kerry and her family for the new addition. Plus waiting for this is nothing compared to waiting for Sherlock. So I can survive waiting till mid season for this. 

Okay now that finale messed me up because I thought I was going to lose my mind. Fitz finally found out about the abortion, but after Mellie handed him his ass about how self involved he is, he thought long and hard about it. He didn't blow up at Olivia about it he just apologized for not listening enough, and said he supports her choice but not that she needs his approval. I loved that so much better than yet another fight, he is finally listening. It was just a really great scene between Fitz and Olivia. Cyrus being VP for Vargas is just crazy. I also felt kind of bad for Tom when Cyrus told him it was over. Also what was the deal with Papa Pope? Was this his plan the whole time? If so then that man is just a freaking genius. Olivia telling Jake that settling for ordinary was not an option for her. Now Jake is her bitch instead of Rowan's. Cyrus is running for VP and next season will just be insane to say the least. 

Thank you all for reading I hope you enjoyed it. I also hope you check out more by me. 

~Keep Dreaming and Scheming~ 


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