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Man Crush Monday: Lin-Manuel Miranda

The first man crush Monday of the year goes to Lin-Manuel Miranda. The genius behind In the Heights, and Hamilton. 

He's a talented man from New York that has made his work on Broadway known. He has also done his fair share of music work on movies.

It wasn't until Hamilton that I really started to pay attention. I had listened to In The Heights back in school, and saw the performance at the Thanksgiving Day Parade, but it was just something cool I liked at the time. When I heard the song "Alexander Hamilton" for the first time I was hooked. I loved the beat and style of the song, and I just had to listen to more. I found myself just crying over the soundtrack and fell in love with it. I couldn't believe that a rap musical about Alexander Hamilton had become one of my favorite things in the world. Lin not only gave great music with this, but gave me an interest in American History.

In school we never really learned too much about Hamilton. I didn't know a lot of the stuff he did, or was responsible for till I actually started reading. I am currently reading Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow, and it is fantastic. I can honestly say that this is one of the most interesting books I've read in a long time.

Aside from Broadway Lin has had some guest spots on TV that you may remember. Such as Gus the bus passenger that helped Marshall rhyme some rhymes to baby Marvin on How I Met Your Mother. He was also Dr. Ruben Marcado in the show Do No Harm. He guest stared on House m.d as Alvie the roommate House had when he was committed. He was also Guillermo in Modern Family which was hilarious. He has such amazing talent, and I cannot wait to see more from this amazing guy. Thank you all for reading.

~Keep Dreaming and Scheming~


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