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Showing posts from October, 2015

Scandal: "Get Out of Jail Free"

This episode was a very intense ride of emotion. I was very pleased with the way Mellie chewed out Fitz, the way Jake finally told Olivia she was on her own, and I liked the way David gave advice to Susan. Cyrus being back in the White House up to his tricks was refreshing, him pushing Fitz and Olivia into a marriage to get her out of testifying against him. It was one hell of an episode and I was going crazy. Mellie Grant was the star for me in last nights episode. She let both Fitz and Olivia have what was on her mind and it was amazing. Olivia going to Mellie for help so that she won't have to marry Fitz was a little crazy and I also thought it was unnecessary to tell her that her father was the one to kill Jerry. Yeah Olivia because that was called for in that situation to just tell Mellie after being attacked and caught lying at the trial why not just add the fact that your father killed her son. Aside from that Mellie had a great scene with Fitz where she tells him that s...

Ship of the Week: Olitz

Welcome to my ship of the week everyone. This ship is one that I love and it took me by surprise. I am of course talking about Olivia Pope and Fitzgerald Grant. It is a relationship that is absolutely not appropriate, but one I cannot help but "aw" over. That is something that people always get a little crazy over. I however like the show, and this relationship. Fitz and Olivia met when he was campaigning for President, and it was a passionate love that's for sure. Fitz is married to Mellie Grant but when he met Olivia something sparked in him again that he had not felt with this wife in a long time. Now it is not everyday someone roots for the man and woman in an affair to make it out happy, but in this case I can't help but root for them. Fitz and Olivia have such a crazy love story, but it has it cute and sweet moments. The fan fiction that people have for Olitz is really good as well. That is a huge plus for me when there are good stories to read while I am ...

Person of the Week: Bellamy Young

I had to find the time to just talk a bit about this amazing lady because I have to admit I am a bit obsessed with her. She is so wonderful and such an amazing actress, and I love her on Scandal.  Aside from her playing Mellie Grant she has been on Scrubs, Criminal Minds, Dirty Sexy Money, CSI: Miami, Mission Impossible III, and more. She is very adorable and talented, and she kills it as the First Lady. I will admit I was not a fan of Mellie Grant at first, but as time went on and she became this awesomely amazing character she became my favorite character quickly. Not only is Bellamy Young a talented actress she is a talented singer as well. That girl has got quite the voice and it is very impressive when you hear her sing. I have only heard a little but I like what I hear. There are not too many actresses that I will write about on this blog, but I just had to with this one. Watching her interviews just always make me laugh, and she is so damn charming. She is entertaining...

Man of the Week: Tony Goldwyn

I am not a fan of only posting a man crush Monday, so how about man crush week? This week my man of choice is Tony Goldwyn. This is someone whom I have seen in movies before, and yet when I started to watch Scandal it was as if I've never heard of him. A well known movie that he was apart of being Tarzan is I think the only thing I remembered from him. He is the voice of Tarzan and that is one of my favorite movies. I was reading his filmography the other day and realized that I have seen more of the things he's been in than I thought. Also really good movies that he directed so boom he's all kinds of talented. He is a good looking man who can act, and I am so glad that I like a lot of his movies. Sometimes when you start liking a certain actor and find out that they aren't in anything else you like, it sucks. However Tony Goldwyn is a great actor and very entertaining to watch. I could watch his movies everyday, in fact I probably will if I can find them. One of ...

Addicted to Scandal

I have always put watching this show off so many times. Then yesterday I was browsing Netflix and I put on just one episode. Then by the time I knew it I finished season one and had started in on season two. I must say that I am so in love with this show and I just can't stop watching. I am a huge fan of Shonda Rhimes and have been ever since I first watched Grey's Anatomy. So after the second episode of this show I was hooked. I love how after every episode something is exposed and you are screaming "WHAT!" at your TV. I love having that reaction when I watch a show. There is clever wit thrown in that makes you laugh, romance that makes you "Aw" and of course those hot scenes that make you wish you had a man like Fitz in your life. I know that some people may say "What kind of person are you to enjoy a show about a man having an affair? About him cheating and lying all the time?" Well let me answer that for you, I am a person who enjoys good w...