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Once Upon A Time "Lacey"

I know I have not blogged since March and I apologize. I have been swamped with school. 

Now to the good stuff... Lacey is Belle's alter ego that Regina fed to her so she is the complete opposite of Belle. Now I don't know about you but I am excited to see this side, and it seems like it is going to be very interesting for Gold. Mr. Gold actually asks for David's help because even while cursed he got through to Mary Margaret and they found their true love anyways. So I am excited to see this play out. 

I am still not a fan of Tamara and Greg they both need to go away. I would prefer if Emma beat the crap out of her. There have been a lot of speculation that Neal is going to die in upcoming episodes, I really really hope that is not true because I love Neal, and knowing television the way I do it will probably play out like this; Neal finds out the truth about Tamara, goes to Emma and she and him kiss in the moment and all the love and feelings come back. Then bam he dies. All I know is that in the preview there is a gun pointed at his head and then the next shot is Emma all in black looked like a funeral. So I really hope it is not for Neal. 

I will post a reaction post after the episode Sunday night. So everyone tune into Once Upon A Time on ABC because it is going to be a good one. How could I forget to mention that Robin Hood is being introduced in the episode so get excited. 


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