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Pretty Little Liars Winter Premiere Review

This episode was not what I hyped up in my head, don't get me wrong it was good but not what I expected. I really liked that Hannah really stepped it up in this episode with all her good theories, and ideas she had. I am a little tired of Emily's story line a bit, but I really love her as an actress and think she has amazing talent. Spencer and Toby are as cute as ever, and Toby is finally getting what he wants where his Mom's good name is concerned. Spencer got it to where the head company that owned Radley would clear it and say that his Mom did not commit suicide. Spencer and her father have a very interesting relationship, and when he tells her that he is helping and supporting this whole destruction of Radley thing because he loves her it is sweet but weird.

Now to talk about my favorite topic, Mr. Ezra Fitz. Knowing that he is A makes him a lot creepier, and makes everything he does suspicious. He basically tells Aria that they should start up an affair, since she is still seeing Jake but they are still so in love with each other. Mona goes to Ezra because she knows who he really is, and she is letting him know that she is onto him. I know a lot of things are going to change the rest of this season, and if this is the season they find out who A really is then crap is going to blow up. Ezra and Aria sleep together after he tells her how much he loves her, and how that cabin can be their secret. Oh Ezra, he is such a sweet talker and I want to punch him, but at the same time I want to just kiss him. I honestly think they made a great choice in making Ezra A because he is the sweet guy that you want to win in the end, but now he is the guy who is making everyone's life hell. There was a moment in the Halloween special that I didn't really pay attention to, but when it's said that one of the girls has been touched greatly by the one Alison fears most, and duh of course that is Aria.

I am really happy that this show is back on and I cannot wait for next weeks episode. Ezra knows he is getting closer to the truth about where Ali is. IS HE BOARD SHORTS? That is the answer I really want, because that would mean he was involved with Ali sexually and how would poor Aria feel about that?

Keep Dreaming and Scheming! Till Next Time!


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