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Sherlcok "The Sign of Three" Thoughts

I thought this episode was completely brilliant! I loved that Sherlock was John's best man, and how when John asked him he was just in shock. Sherlock is his best friend and that shocks Sherlock in all honesty.

In his speech at the wedding he says that he never thought he would be in this position because he never thought he would be someone's best friend. He goes on to say that he is a very unlikeable guy and the fact that a brave and great man like John would be his best friend by choice. Aw, Sherlock and John bromance is just so amazing in this adaptation of Sherlock Holmes, and Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch play their parts wonderfully.

You seem more of the vulnerable side of Sherlock when he is thinking of how things could change once he is married. I really like Mary because in order to help Sherlock she made him think that John was the one who needed cheering up, and John was trying to make Sherlock feel like nothing would change. It was a very nice little thing they did and I thought it was really funny, and I love how Mary fits in with them. In the wedding toast Sherlock includes Mary when saying they will all have a long future ahead of them together, how sweet of him.

The stag night was a freaking great scene! Drunk Sherlock was so amusing and him still trying to be all smart like he is usually but he is so wasted. Him and John end up back at Baker Street only two hours after they left, and start playing a little bit of who am I? Sherlock had his own name taped to his head while John had Madonna taped on his. During this time a client comes to see them because she believes that she had just been on a date with a ghost, and Sherlock takes the case drunk. He is looking around this mans old apartment and ends up throwing up on the carpet, and being arrested. Him and John are woken up by Lestrade in the morning in a cell, and they are completely hung over and it was just hilarious.

I really recommend you watch this episode if you have not already, but I think that you should because this season so far has been so good.  Thank you for reading!

Keep Dreaming and Scheming! Till Next Time!


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