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Once: First Dates, Deals, & Sorcerers

I absolutely loved this weeks episode of Once Upon A Time and this post is brought to you the day after it aired. Sorry again about last weeks late post, but here is an after thought for you all. As always there are spoilers ahead for the episode "Rocky Road" read on with caution.

First off I have to address that I totally love this direction they are taking with Rumple and the Sorcerers hat because that is one of my favorite stories. Anyone who is a Disney fan has probably guess by now that this is a Disney classic. If the hat was not enough Rumple pulls out a broom stick that he enchants and you hear music play as the broom leads them to the sorcerers apprentice in Storybrooke. I love Rumple being all in love with Belle and everything, but I love him most when he is just being evil. He did try to be nice and be a better man for her, but that is just not his nature anymore. He has had too much darkness in him to go back to the man he was before he became the dark one. Henry also goes to Rumple in order to help Regina find out who wrote the story book, and asks his Grandpa for a job. I loved that scene when Rumple hands Henry the broom and tells him to sweep up the shop, and called him his apprentice. I about died! I was so happy by that scene, it was perfect and amazing. I cannot wait for more Henry and Rumple bonding, even if it is only because of operation mongoose.

Hook has his hand back for this episode, which is awesome. I thought it was so cute he wanted it back so that he can hold Emma with both hands. He of course blackmails Rumple into it, and we all know magic comes with a price. Rumple played his mind games with Hook by telling him his hand was cursed, but Hook thought he was lying and got his hand back anyways. He then sees that Rumple may have been right because of random acts of violence unleashed on the Knave. He felt like his hand had a mind of it's own, but that was a trick. When Hook goes back to Rumple he makes a deal that he will help Rumple get what he wants in order to get rid of his cursed hand. Rumple was in fact lying about the hand being cursed, and just told him that he basically owned his ass now. Rumple went to see the sorcerers apprentice in Storybrooke, and got Hook to help him get rid of him. Rumple then took a security tape which had Hook on there, and just him getting rid of the poor old man. So now Hook is being blackmailed by Rumple, and this is now is price for messing with magic. I am happy that there will be more Hook and Rumple scenes because they are my two favorite characters and I love that they will be sharing screen time.

The Captain Swan date was absolutely amazing. Emma was wearing a really cute dress, and Hook looked sexy in his new outfit. He was still in tight leather but I cannot see him in anything else that would work as well. Snow took a Polaroid of her daughter's big date, which was a great parent moment for Snow. Charming got his shots in when he stands there looking like the tough father type, and Hook assures that Emma is in good hands. David tells him that is what worries him especially now that he has two of them. I loved this whole scene because Emma is going out on this date with a man she really connects with, and really likes a whole lot. Emma and Hook's date had a bit of a hiccup when the Knave spills a glass of wine on her, and that is also when Hook thinks there is something wrong with his hand because he gets very violent toward the Knave. Emma gets up as the Knave runs out of restaurant, but sits back down not allowing him to ruin her date with Hook. The date goes pretty well and ends with a heated kiss, and Hook asking for a second date. She walks back into the apartment to find her parents sitting on the couch waiting for her return. It was so cute because Snow wants to know everything from the dinner to the goodnight kiss, and Charming wants to know very little about the night. It was a fine parenting moment for Snow and David, and quite funny to see.

I loved this episode because it opened up a lot more story yet also added some more things to question. Next week has a bit of a spooky feel to it as we see more of the Snow Queen. She knows Emma, and they find out that she was not part of the curse that brought people to Storybrooke. She was there before and she knows Emma somehow. It will be interesting to find out how they are connected to each other.

I really enjoyed this week and I love that there is so much to look forward too. Thank you so much for reading today.

Keep Dreaming and Scheming!


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