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Pretty Little Liars "She's Come Undone" After Thoughts

Brief Recap: The recent episode was overall great, but all I got to say is I hope Emily dumps Paige. I understand she thinks she is protecting Emily, but she doesn't really know what the heck is going on and informing the cops is only going to make things worse. At the end when I saw Paige dropping off that note, I was yelling "Hell No" at the screen. I am so done with Paige, and I want to see her go already. Aria destroys Ezra's apartment when she shows up there looking for him, and she just loses it. She finds all the pictures and info he gathered on her, her family, and her friends. She broke pretty much everything, and found a picture of the two of them and destroyed it. When the other girls showed up though, Spencer finds a bunch of papers on the ground and takes them with her. That is how she found out she was forgetting something important about the night Ali went missing. Aria is just against everyone now and wants nothing to do with Rosewood, so she decides to just leave. She has had it once she found out Ezra was going forward with his book, and wanted to tell the principal about their relationship, but Hanna stops her. So Aria just decides to pack a bag, get in her car and go. In the previews we see her with a really cute looking guy, same with Spencer. It is going to get very interesting before the end of the season, which is only three more episodes. The truth about what happened the night Ali disappeared will be told by Ali herself. We have all been waiting so long for this moment and it is finally going to happen. Hanna totally kissed the hottie cop Hollbrook, and it was awkward to say the least. Spencer took more drugs of course, and found out that she was chasing Ali with a shovel the night she disappeared. She also found out that her father and Ali's mom knew about it, and she goes over to her house and asks her what she knew about it. When Spencer arrives home she is told that she needs help by Toby, and then just goes upstairs.

My Thoughts: Like I said above I cannot stand Paige anymore, and I want her to go away. Emily is going to freak out when she finds out what her girlfriend did. She is so freaking annoying even though I understand she is just trying to protect Emily especially since she knows how crazy A can get, but still she annoys me. I liked that they showed that picture of Aria and Ezra in his apartment because that makes me think that he really does care about her. What do you all think, do you think Ezra has true feelings for Aria? Hanna and Hollbrook, I kind of like the idea of them as a couple, but that kiss was just awkward. Why should Aria be the only one with the older guy? Spencer needs to go to freaking rehab already and get some help, because she is losing her damn mind. These episodes are going to be great and I cannot wait! Thank You for reading

Keep Dreaming and Scheming! Till Next Time!


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