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Late Night Post!

It has been a while since I posted a late night post, but I am awake and watching The Walking Dead and just feel like talking about it. I am watching the episode where Michone and Andrea first meet the Governor, and I am just smiling like a dork. I am a fan of David Morrissey and had been ever since I saw him in Doctor Who. 

I love going back every so often and re-watching things because I always remember how I felt first seeing it. When I first saw that David Morrissey was in the show I was excited, and then I saw who he was playing and I was ecstatic! I really liked the character of the Governor because he was so complicated, and broody and that is my kind of man. Plus once he got that eye patch he was hotter for some reason, and he is just so good looking in his outfit with that gun attached to his hip. Okay drooling session over, for now.

I am watching as I am typing this and I just saw Milton! I loved Milton that dorky little nerd with tiny glasses on his face! I am a sucker for a nerd and a nerd in the middle of a zombie apocalypse doing experiments, he just stole my heart. I also am reminded how much I did not like Andrea, but I'm not sure why I disliked her. I mean just her general personality irritated me, but she was quite the bad ass. She was stupid, too trusting, and impulsive. Okay I take it back those are the reason I disliked her. Aw now back to the Governor's cute face. Another attractive quality is that he is tall, and his voice.

I forgot how good this season was, and I can't wait for the new season to start because there is going to be so much happening. The Walking Dead became one of my favorite shows the moment I watched it, and I started right before season 2 started. I remember I bought the DVD season 1 and watched it so fast that I had to watch it again. I was hooked from episode one and I have been obsessed ever since. The writing is just amazing, the special effects, and the way the walkers look so freaking creepy is amazing.

The scene where the Governor finds all those army men and then has them all shot to death, and he is walking in slow motion like a bad ass just came on. I know that thinking someone looks so awesome and hot while a bunch of innocent men are being killed might be wrong, but it's not like it is real life. Okay I obviously need to turn Netflix off and put my laptop away, but I somehow just can't. I will say I'm going to bed and then 4 hours later I am still awake.

Thank you for reading my late night post! Love you all! Remember, Keep Dreaming and Scheming!


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