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General Hospital Craziness

I know I haven't been posting like I want to be, but I have been super unmotivated lately. It has been so hot here and I've just been in the pool or laying in front of a fan, plus since it is so hot it is not helping my computer any. It over heated twice in the last couple days so I have been trying to use it at a minimum. So when I get on my laptop I try to watch the shows I've missed, which brings me to General Hospital.

This whole Sonny and Ava thing is really pissing me off. I hate Ava I think that she is just an annoying character, and I don't like the story lines. I mean really Ava pregnant with a child that could be either Sonny's or Morgan's? I am not a fan of this story line mostly because I was really pleased seeing Sonny and Olivia finally together after EVERYTHING they had been through. I am just very annoyed with it, and I didn't like Ava to begin with. Now her mother is on the show and many may notice her, I remember her from One Life to Live as Roxy. I am a bit interested to know if she is going to do everything Ava is asking her to do, but we will see.

Another person who is annoying me is Maxie's boyfriend Levi. He called the judge and told him that Nathan had lied about Maxie and got her in trouble. Now she can't see her daughter for even longer, and her first birthday is coming up and she is going to miss that. Nathan however is onto what Levi is doing and he is determined to prove it to Maxie. To me Nathan and Maxie would be cute together, her and Levi is just weird to me. I was also annoyed with his protest against ELQ and sitting in the old brownstone that belonged to Bobbie. It just annoyed me and just they way he is pisses me off and I want him to get punched.

This whole Rafe thing has gotten pretty intense. I had just watched the episode for Thursday July, 3 and it was crazy to say the least. Rafe has just been on a downward spiral and it does not seem to be getting even the slightest bit better. He has developed a drug addiction and is responsible for the death of Gabriel Santiago. He reveals to Molly that he was not high, and he did not do it on accident but that he ran them off the road on purpose. Why would he do that? Who told him to do it? Of course before Rafe could say anything he runs straight into the road block and crashes the car injuring him and Molly. So now I have to wait till Monday to see what the heck happened to Molly and Rafe. Alexis is going to lose her sh*t.

Britt and Nikolas were not my favorite story when they started out, but now that they are apart I kind of miss them as a couple. They were really cute with baby Ben, and Spencer but since that all came to light it has just been sad. Nikolas has went back to following Elizabeth and hanging on her every word, even when she was getting together with Ric. It was just never one of my favorite couples mostly because I never saw how Elizabeth and Nikolas made sense. She cheated on Lucky with Nikolas multiple times, and after every fail in either of their love lives they went back to each other. Maybe that is their true love story, but to me is just ridiculous.

Okay I don't know whether or not I like the story right now with Franco, Carly and Sonny pleases me. I have always loved Sonny and Carly as a couple, yes they were destructive but their love was just passionate. I loved it. Franco is getting very jealous of Sonny, and should there be a reason for that jealousy? Who knows when Sonny was talking to Spencer at his day camp there was cute little glances between Carly and Sonny.

Alright I know this post is late but that is what I have for you, and I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for reading.

Keep Dreaming and Scheming!


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