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The Fosters S2 Ep.4 "Say Something" After Thoughts

Hey there everyone. It has been a while since I've done a post on The Fosters, but I thought it was time. First off I would like to say that it is amazing to see Amanda Leighton in the show I went to high school with her, we're not close but it is nice to see someone who came from here succeed.

Now onto this weeks episode. I was not too pleased with Jesus these last couple episodes, actually I've not been pleased with him for a while. I mean one minute he is with Lexi, then with Emma, and now with this other girl. I mean I get it he is a teenage boy, but still he is becoming a bit much. I really don't like Mariana's hair, it just does not suit her. It was however kind of sad when she found out a big reason she is on the dance team is because of Lena and so their dance program wouldn't get cut.

Lena did not get the Principal job which was sad, but I want to know who is coming in to take the job. Stef took Callie to meet her half sister, and it was pretty good. I like how this story is going so far and I hope that it doesn't get too ridiculous. Her father wants to set up a college fund for Callie, and that sort of gets Stef thinking about the situation they are in with their new baby.

Jude is having a tough time as of late, and this stuff with Connor just sort of pushed him to the edge. Now he is not speaking to anyone, and it so weird. I really liked the interaction between Callie and her new found sister, and I just know that is going to be trouble. Wyatt told Callie that he loved her, but she did not say it back. Later we find out that it is because she thinks she would be betraying Brandon if she did, and that makes sense. Then the song that Brandon wrote for Callie, his new band mate Lou wants to use it. Brandon felt the same feeling of betrayal and he talked to Callie about it, whom told him to let her have the song. Then Callie goes to Wyatt and tells him that she loves him back, and I just was so happy. Wyatt and Callie are my favorite couple because they are just so adorable, and I like the way they are together.

Okay this concludes my short after thoughts, and I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you as always for reading.

Keep Dreaming and Scheming!


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