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PLL Fatal Finale! After Thoughs!

The Summer finale of Pretty Little Liars was one of the best PLL finales that I have seen over the years. It stepped up in suspense this whole season, and the finale was no different. If you were forced to watch this finale with your obsessed friend, I think it is safe to assume that you are now a fan. That is how good I thought this episode was. I think that it made some new fans last night.

The episode starts with Aria, Ezra, Hannah, and Emily standing outside of a house. It is obviously a crime scene, and Aria says that there was so much blood nobody could have survived that. Right off the bat we see that someone has died in this finale, and it starts off intense. If you follow me on Twitter then you knew that because I was tweeting while I was watching last night. When the show started I had an idea of who it was that died, but I was not sure. The whole episode sort of made it seem like it could be anyone, and that made me nervous.

Ali agreed to a polygraph test to see what she knew about the murder of Bethany Young. I can say that it is pretty much a sure thing that Ali is not a good person. If we did not already know that I am pretty sure that it was confirmed last night. Mona pointed out to the girls that Ali needed them because of how they were as people. Emily even tells Ali that it's hard when the loyal one betrays you. It is not like Ali doesn't deserve this, after everything she has done to them over the years. Aria has compassion so she has played on her ability to care about people. Ali is a good fit for A and the girls hated to believe it but there is little room for choice. Now that Ali has gone to the cops, and told them about Spencer and that she had no hand in the murder of Bethany. Alison got off, and now Holbrook is investigating the lead on Spencer.

The upsides I saw to this episode was the cute moment between Ezra and Aria in his apartment. They, as you know have been my favorite couple form the start, and now they are together again. Even if it is starting slowly Aria admitted that there was something going on between them. They were making pies for Thanksgiving together, and she was jokingly telling him about her family. He was invited for dinner and it was so cute that he was nervous about it. The other good thing about this episode was seeing Toby in a cop uniform. Yes Toby became a cop and it was his graduation day, and Spencer was busy sneaking into a mental hospital, typical Spencer. I was smiling widely when he first appeared in full uniform in Spencer's house because he looked so freaking cute.

Spencer and Mona sneak into Radley so they can get Bethany's file. By this time they have seen what Ali told the cops about Spencer, and know that there is something not right. Turns out that Mrs. D was having an affair with Bethany's dad, and Bethany knew about it. She mentions something about Ali on a recording, and Spencer and Mona are shocked. Mostly because it is now confirmed that Ali is involved, possibly behind all this. Holbrook talks to Aria about Spencer, and her reasons for working at Radley.

Spencer is on the phone with Toby and she is getting a bad connection, and then we see a car hit Toby's. This was already at the end of the episode so I was screaming at the screen. "TOBY WHY?!" -Those were my exact words. I let out a huge sigh of relief when I saw that all he had was a broken leg. Thanksgiving day was not very good for them, because Spencer got arrested that morning for murder. We know Spencer didn't do it, and that Melissa is the one to who buried Bethany alive. Although that video won't help Spencer because Melissa only did it because she thought Spencer had hit Bethany with that shovel.

Paige alerts Emily and the others that she followed Alison the night before. She followed her to a farm house where she was meeting a ton of other people. So that is not good if Ali is having secret meetings with a bunch of her followers in an old farm house.

Now for the fatal part of the finale. Mona was helping the girls out this whole episode, and she knew that she could trust them this time. This time all of them were afraid of what Alison could, and would do to them. Mona's mom left her alone in the house, and told her she would see her in an bit for Thanksgiving dinner. That sadly is the last time Mona's mother heard her daughters voice because right after that we see a blonde in a hoodie break into Mona's. The girls rush over there with Ezra, and when they walk in they see broken glass every where, and blood on all the walls. This was the most intense scene they have really showed before, and it stepped up the tone of the show. Mona was the one to go after all this time, and all the hate they had for Mona, and now she's gone. I am thinking the blonde in the hood might be Cece back in Rosewood, or it could be the obvious choice Alison, or for all we know someone we don't know.

So there we have it an after thought of last nights finale. What did you all think of the episode? Let me know on Facebook: Obsess With DSTAR or on Twitter: @GeekOut_93. Thank you for reading.

Keep Dreaming and Scheming!


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