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Ship of the Week: Booth & Brennan

When Bones first came on I will have to admit I was not a fan. At the time I was really into House M.D and I didn't want to give anything else a chance. I was oh so wrong, because when I started watching in the second season I was hooked. I fell madly in love with Hodgins, but I liked Booth too. His relationship with Brennan is still one of my all time favorites.

They go through seasons and seasons of just being friends, and almost getting together until that one moment. I was going to say the perfect moment, but considering that the episode they first hook up is the one where Vincent dies I will not say perfect. That episode made me cry for a good 2 hours after because Vincent was so adorable, and his death was ridiculously sad. Now after they hooked up Brennan found out she was pregnant and that was the cutest thing. Booth was so happy hearing those words come from her mouth, and seeing them in a new relationship while she was pregnant was hilarious and cute.

I love how when they got together it didn't ruin the show for me. Some shows when the main couple gets together it just ruins the show, but not in this case. Yes the got together, had a baby, and got married but you see all the workings of a relationship with them. Brennan is more scientific where Booth is more religious and seeing those different personalities raising a child is pretty entertaining. There are mentions through out the seasons of Brennan's lack of faith, and Booth trying to tell her why he believed in what he believed in. The two of them just work and they are so damn cute together.

I am so glad I started watching this show because aside from the crazy murders, intriguing plot lines, and awesome characters, you have this couple who just makes you smile. Thank you for reading, and leave comments on who you'd like to see here next week.

~Keep Dreaming and Scheming~


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