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Castle "Dreamworld" After Thoughts

Dreamwolrd is the episode where we find out if Castle's life is safe, and we can let go of that long breath we have been holding. It is just a military legend, and of course this is one of those things where there is hundreds of opinions on the matter.

I know that I am going to be leaving some stuff out of this, but then again these are just my after thoughts it is not a full detailed review. There are always things that I forget to put in about the case because I focus too much on the other things going on sometimes. I will do better I promise.

They find a suspect and Beckett tackles him to the ground, but there is no toxin on him. The moment that Castle has when Martha calls him, and she knows that something is wrong after he is so nice to her. He was just taken out of the loft without a word, and then that mysterious call she knows there is something wrong with her son. Martha tries to get a hold of Beckett, but there is no answer from her. Martha goes to Ryan and Espisito to see if they can get something out of her. When they do get a hold of her she just brushes them off quickly saying that everything is fine.

The clock is ticking down, and Castle is running out of time. He tries to play the "I'm fine" card, but that doesn't fool Kate one bit. They are rushing to find out who did it, and if they can get the cure so that they can save Castle's life. Kate gets reported to her boss, and that was her plan all along to make their lead look guilty. They find that there is a connection to the reporter who was going writing an article on Dreamworld in the first place. Turns out his fiance was the one shot during that mission, and he has been involved in this whole thing from the beginning. They rush in to look for him in his apartment, and look for the toxin or the antidote. Turns out Parker is going after Reid the man who ordered the hit in the first place that killed his fiance. Parker is a reporter so he has credentials to get in the press line, but there is of course a twist. Parker wants Reid to feel the way he did when his fiance was killed, so he is going after his wife the person he loves most. That is a good twist even though that it may have been an obvious one.

As they make it to the door of the Reid's home Castle faints out on the front lawn. Beckett goes after Parker, and then the scene changes to black and her calling for Castle. He wakes up in the hospital with Alexis, and his mother there with him. So YAY Castle is alive, and I mean come on we all knew that the guy who makes the show was not going to die in the second episode of the season. It was a really good two part episode though, it kicked off the season in a good start. I am kind of liking Lisa Eddelstein as Beckett's new parter, she is growing on me. So there we have another episode of Castle season 6, and overall it was a good episode.

Keep dreaming and scheming! Till Next Time!


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