Sleepy Hollow follows Bones on Monday nights on Fox. Half way through this new series I already knew I was going to be a fan of the show. Ichabod Crane played by Tom Mison is a great character, and I love how he plays the part. Crane was a spy for George Washington back during the Revolution, and of course now thrown into the 21st century he doesn't know what anything is. So there are quite a few funny scenes that are coming up. Abbie Mills is another great character who doesn't want to believe in Crane even though she wants to. Her and her sister were confronted by something when they were younger, and her sister is in and out of mental institutions now. She is battling demons, and Crane fully believes that they are real demons.
Abbie's partner was killed by the horseman, and she is getting ready to leave Sleepy Hollow. He was a firm believer in everything that Crane is saying to her now, and he was doing research about witch covens spread all over not just in town. The Captain tells Abbie to let it go, and to let them do their job but how can she now that she is starting to uncover the truth? Exactly, she can't, and she won't. You can tell in the first few minutes of her screen time that she is not one to give up, and let things go unsolved.
Ichabod's wife Katrina was a witch, and he never knew that truth about her. His blood line merged with the horseman, and they became linked. Katrina and her coven put Ichabod in the cave to protect him, and put a spell on the both of them so that they would come back when one of them was awakened. In a dream Katrina warns Ichabod about the horseman, and that if he gets his skull then he will become whole again. He is told that three more will fall, and then it will begin. Everything Abbie saw was indeed real when she was a child, the trees, and the faceless figure coming at them.
The camera work on this show might I add is quite amazing. Just thought I would throw that out there for you all. John Cho is in the show as another cop named Andy, and he tells the horseman where the thing he is looking for is located. Abbie told Crane all about her deceased partner, and about what he was working on, and where the item in question was located. Ichabod and Abbie arrive at the church to retrieve the skull, that way the horseman cannot. He turns up at the cemetery of the church where it was buried, and starts to shoot at Ichabod and Abbie. Turns out Andy isn't such a stand up guy after all, and when he knocks Abbie out saying that he warned her to stay away. Andy tells her that he cannot be killed, and that he is death. Just when the sun starts to come up there is a little bit of a sizzle off the horseman's shoulder.
Ichabod has the skull, and the horseman rides off into the fog for now. Abbie and Crane get listened to, and Abbie decided not to transfer but to stay in Sleepy Hollow. Ichabod told her that their paths are entwined now, and there was no going back on that now. Andy was killed in his cell just as Crane, and Abbie were going to question him. The same faceless creature that Abbie saw as a child appeared again, but to Andy saying that he failed. Then snapped his neck killing him instantly. The creature is slightly human like, but it has horns like a ram, and it is very scary looking.
I really enjoyed this first episode, and I will continue to watch this series. The only problem of course is that it comes on the same night and times as many other shows coming to start soon. I will keep you all posted on Sleepy Hollow, and put another review up next Tuesday.
As always keep dreaming and scheming! Till Next Time!
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