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Doctor Who (Spoilers if you have not watched seasons 2 and up)

It has been a while since I talked about Doctor Who, and this is just going to be a post where I remember some of the memories this show has brought. There are so many memories, and moments to this show, and not all of them are happy scenes.

In fact some of the most memorable scenes are the most tragic ones we remember. Here is just a few:

1.) David Tennant's era when he and Rose are torn apart. That was a moment when I truly understood just how upset I could get over a TV Show. It was so unexpected, and then when she was fighting to hold on as tight as she could, she slips and her father comes to take her to the alternate Earth. It was great that Rose was saved, but really sad because she was away from her Doctor. If it was not bad enough when she heard she couldn't go back she leaned her head, and hand against the wall. Then on the other side in the other Earth the Doctor was doing the same exact thing with the saddest look on his wonderful face. I just thought that was a truly great moment because Rose wasn't like the other companions even now she was a sort of love interest for the Doctor.

2.) Love bringing me to my number two moment. When the Doctor speaks the lines "Rose Tyler I...." WHAT! I was in fits, and I know what you may be thinking, really? That is so dramatic. No it isn't because in this moment a man who was not very forthcoming with his feelings was going to say he loved someone, or so we thought? There is no telling what he was going to really say, but we all like to think that he was going to admit his love for Rose in that moment. Then his hologram gets cut out, and we never know what was said, but at the same time we do. That is the Doctor Who way.

3.) Another heart breaking moment to share with you all, I'm so sorry. You hear that a lot for the Doctor, and you know its a sad moment when that is being said. Also in the David Tennant Era, when Donna has to completely forget the Doctor, and all their adventures together. Donna was just a temp, and she was not happy being in the life she had. The Doctor and her met by chance, and they were seeing worlds together, and then it was all ripped away from her memory. That was heart breaking to see him putting his hands to her head, and destroying her memories of him. I cried for days.

4.) A moment for the Matt Smith Era, and this is kind of sad but has a happy part to it as well. The Pandorica arc when the Doctor goes around time jumping trying to get Amy, Rory, River, and himself all in the right spots. We saw the Doctor fall to his death at one point, and it was just a shock to see all these events unfolding. They put his body into the Pandorica, and the goodbyes were said. Amy was talking to him, and it was sad because for years she waited for him, and held out so much hope that he would return to her. He flew the Pandorica into the TARDIS which was currently exploding, and then time was put back to how it should be. So then you see him in the TARDIS, and he sees himself talking to Amy, and all these events unfold where he is seeing his past. Amy wakes up, and her parents are there on the day of her wedding day. She and Rory get married, and then a little blue book arrives, and Amy starts to cry. Amy then remembers her Doctor and that is what brings him back to her. The fact that she remembered him, with a little nudge from River brought him back. She recites "Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue." The TARDIS materializes and out pops the Doctor. That was a good moment.

5.) Alright folks the last moments for this post is a very shocking moment. The real identity of Dr. River Song. After you find out that Amy isn't really Amy, and you see Rory being very badass looking for his wife. The episode "A Good Man Goes to War" and that is where this all goes down at Demons Run. When River first showed up in the David Tennant Era everyone was really curious as to whom she really was, and I did not expect her to be the daughter of Rory and Amy Pond! That moment had me jumping on the furniture, and losing my darn mind about it. Amy had named her daughter Melody Pond, and then the baby was going to be taken, and used to kill the Doctor later on in her life. Then it is revealed at the very end that River Song was the daughter of Amy and Rory. I was shocked I really loved that episode.

That is all for today folks, and I hope you enjoyed it. I will talk more about Doctor Who the next few days, and maybe once a week do this kind of thing where I count out five things.

Till Next Time!


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