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"Once Upon A Time" Good Form After Thoughts

Captain Hook has a brother? Wow that was quite interesting fact to find out wasn't it? Too bad that he decides not to listen to Peter Pan, and cuts his arm with dream shade and dies. Pan shows up because he cannot help himself, and he tells Killian the way to save his brothers life. The only thing that can help his brother is drinking the water from the waterfalls hidden behind the dream shade. Pan tells Killian that "All Magic Comes With A Price" Yes indeed it does, and Pan warns him that he must pay that price when he leaves the island. I must just say Killian Jones all noble, and a stand up man is quite funny, and he has a cute bow on his ponytail. All joking aside his brother does die because Pan warned him once you leave the island you better be ready to pay that price. The price was the life of his brother, it was so sad seeing him cry over his brother. Even though his brother brought it all on himself by not listening to Killian or Pan so it was all his fault, but it was still sad. Hook is then named Captain, and sets fire to the sail made of feathers from the Pegasus. He then makes a speech on how they need to be rid of the rule of the King so that is how he became a pirate. That was a great story I really, really liked it a lot.

Regina is such an amazing character and I love the scene where her and Emma make a decision together. They capture a lost boy and need to send a message to Henry so that he knows he is not alone on the island. They get the message across, but does Henry believe it? That is the real question because he gets rid of the mirror that Regina uses to communicate with him. Henry doesn't know if it is real or not, but Emma says "It's operation Cobra rescue" and that was such an "aw" moment. Emma let Regina rip the heart of the lost boy out, and Snow was like "Emma how could you?" I think that it is becoming more know that Emma will do anything to get Henry back home, and so would any one of them but seeing her agree with Regina, and giving the go ahead to rip a child's heart out.

Charming and Hook have established a bromance now, and I find it absolutely adorable. Hook wants to save Davids life, but he doesn't want to believe anything Hook is saying. Sure Hook did all this for Emma, but that is showing that he cares about someone other than himself. Hook had a talk with Pan while he was taking David to save his life, and David had no idea Hook was after a cure for him. David overhears Pan giving Hook a deal that would sound like a good deal for a pirate to take. Given Hooks personality David thought he would take it, but is surprised when he said that he did not take it. Hook lets David know that he did not do it for him, and gave a little wink. When the two came back from their journey David gave a very passionate kiss to his wife, and David tells everyone that Hook saved his life. Even though the version he told was not the truth, he still said that Hook was the hero. The catch with the water from the falls that cures any illness is that you must remain on Neverland. David is now bound to the island and he cannot leave, so maybe that is why Emma will leave the island an orphan? If David stays you know that Mary Margaret will stay behind to. That is all getting ahead but we can't help but guess what will happen, theories are so much fun to come up with. So this is only episode five, and we still got a way to go.

The kiss between Emma and Hook made my jaw drop. I was so pleased that they took that little step forward in their relationship. Hook wants Emma to see who he really is, and that is a person we saw in the flashback. He is a pirate, but he is a stand up guy who wants to do what is right. Peter Pan shows up when Hook is alone, and says that he is a one handed pirate with a drinking problem, very funny Peter Pan. Hook tells Pan that he wants to show Emma who he really is, and Pan says how big of a secret could you keep from her? He then proceeds to tell him that Neal is in fact alive, and in Neverland. Now Hook is being faced with having this secret, and whether or not to tell Emma or not. Oh man that is one huge bomb to drop on a guy who thinks that he can finally have the girl he wants. I don't think he will tell her honestly I don't because he is still struggling with all these emotions, and old ways are hard to change out of. I hope that he tells her but I don't think that he will, that is what I am saying. Then there was that ending when Pan tells the lost boys to hang Neal up in the tree next to the other one. You then see another cage up in the tree, and wonder who the heck is up in that tree? Who could be in there? That is going to drive me absolutely insane thinking about who it is. So who do you think it could be?

Next week is going to be "Ariel" and it is going to be so exciting. Ursula shows her face and it is the face of Regina. Oh yeah that is going to be so good, and I am so excited for it. Thank you as always for reading.

Keep Dreaming and Scheming! Till Next Time!


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