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Once Upon A Time "Nasty Habits"

WOW. That was my reaction to this weeks episode. It really made me say "Oh he's so evil" about Pan the entire episode. Bae was not a happy boy when his father became the Dark One, and really who could blame him? Everyone was afraid to be his friend,and then Pan shows up in his life for the first time. This causes an even bigger rift between father and son. Pan gives Rumple the chance to earn his boys trust, and says if he asks Bae whether or not he wants to go to Neverland, but the choice had to be his. Of course Rumple uses magic because he thinks he's protecting his son, and that just drives Bae further away. I know a lot of people's reactions were "Oh how could Rumple be so cruel?" I honestly feel bad for Rumple because the dark magic plays on his fears and losing his son is his biggest fear. There is a scene where Neal and Gold are walking through Neverland, and Gold tells Neal that he is happy ending, and that got me crying a bit. As the scene went on Neal uses squid ink to temporarily stop his father, and when he says "Goodbye Papa" I was yelling at the screen. Neal found out about the prophecy, and how Gold was going to kill the boy in it No matter what. He repeats over and over that he is a changed man, but how could Neal believe him when he chose himself over his own son? There were so many good scenes tonight but that one by far was my favorite. I love the way Michael Raymond-James and Robert Carlyle act off each other, they have wonderful chemistry as father and son.

Neal and Gold manage to get Henry from Pan, but only for a little while before he is captured again. Neal is also taken off somewhere, and Pan is determined to make Henry stay in Neverland. The piper, that story we all have all heard before,about music being played on pipes that only children can hear. Only in this story it is Pan playing the music and he is recruiting lost boys. The children that can hear the music are the ones that feel unloved or unwanted. I was so glad at first when Henry did not hear the music from Pan's pipe. The second time however he heard the music,and joined in on the dancing. What does this mean? Does Henry think his family has just given up,and are not coming for him? Poor Henry. Peter Pan is such a good bad guy,and it works so well protraying him as a villain. I will admit I was skeptical about Pan being the big bad evil in the show, but Eddy and Adam and all the writers have made Pan into one crazy awesome villain.

Meanwhile with team Emma now having Tinkerbell on their side need to figure a way to get off of Neverland once they have Henry. Nobody leaves Neverland unless Pan wants you to leave. This of course causes problems because he really will not let anyone of them leave the island. Hook mentions that Neal got off the island before and might be able to find something in his old hide out. There is mention of Charmings wound because he does not have long until it kills him, and the only one to know is Hook. David does not think his family needs to focus on him dying, he just wants their focus on finding Henry, and we all remember what Pan said to Emma right? That she is going to leave the island an orphan and Pan is not one to speak untruthful statements. So this has been a good story line with Charming. The group comes across a map that Neal made of the stars out of a coconut, and it is map home. Thanks to Hook telling him as a young boy the key to being a pirate is secrecy and all pirates keep their maps in codes. So the only one who can read that map is dead, or so they believe.

This was a great episode, and it went straight to the heart with all the father and son scenes. Next week we see the story of why and how Killian Jones became a pirate. We also see a kiss between Emma and Hook, and a pissed off Charming pointing his sword at Hook saying "stay away from my daughter." That is going to be another good episode added to  this season. Thanks as always for reading.

Keep Dreaming and Scheming! Till Next Time!


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