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Remember "Ugly Betty"

It is Sunday and I am sticking to putting up a piece of writing dedicated to a show that is no longer on the air. This week we got the show "Ugly Betty" who here remembers that show? A show about a young Hispanic woman working at a popular fashion magazine, and is the assistant for the attractive boss who is a bit of a playboy. Mead Publications is a place where a lot of drama tended to happen, and I think part of the message was that beauty is on the inside. It had to be because they made America Ferrera look like an average Hispanic girl having image issues, and she got together with some great looking men. Christopher Gorham played her love interest Henry for a while, and a shout out he was from my hometown of Fresno, California. The nurse at my junior high was actually his mother, just some little trivia for you. I thought this was a really good show at the start, but as the series went on it just seemed a little much. I have nothing but respect for this cast but sometimes I just got irritated with Daniel. He would meet the love of hi life, and when something went wrong he spiraled out of control and became a jerk again. Now granted it was a good story line the first time it showed up, but after that it was kind of irritating.

This show still has a high place in my TV loving heart, because at times I felt like Betty felt about going after her dreams. Always being afraid and upset that you're not good enough, or pretty enough. This show touched a bit on gay teens because Betty's nephew was gay, and became friends with Betty's I guess you can say friend Mark. Mark and Amanda were the two that tortured Betty the most, Amanda because she wanted her job to be closer to Daniel, and Mark because Wilhelmina his boss told him to take her down. There was lots of hate from Wilhelmina because she wanted Daniels job, and the company. She was about to marry Daniel's father, but he died the day of the wedding. Wilhelmina tried to have a child, but the surrogate she used got pregnant with her own child instead and moved away with her husband. The surrogate was also Betty's best friend, so that but Betty in the middle of all that drama. Daniels brother whom they all thought was dead came back but as a woman. It was one crazy roller coaster of a show, but that is what made people tune in.

When the show ended there had been lots of teasing about Daniel falling in love Betty, and even before fans were saying that they would make a good couple. A lot of fans (me included) kind of knew that by the time the show ended for good something would happen between these two. Well Betty got a great job offer in London and she took it, and left Daniel back in New York. He followed her there and said that there was a job opening as an assistant so he was there for an interview. He asked her to have lunch, and they walked off together. It was sort of one of those unspoken they are so into each other moments, but it was a good one. I thought that it was a good way to end the show, and I really liked Daniel I admit I had quite the crush on him.

There you go readers have a happy Sunday, and tune in tonight for "Once Upon A Time" and thanks as always for reading.

Keep Dreaming and Scheming! Till Next Time!


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