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Once Upon A Time "Lost Girl" After Thoughts

Wow this episode has just been wow. It starts out intense when Gold cuts out his shadow with his dagger, and instructs the shadow to hide the dagger where no one will find it not even him. That was a pretty awesome moment there, and then we see someone in a hood take the doll that Rumple cried over in the premiere. The doll that made the Dark One cry on his knees was the last thing that his father had ever given him. That was a really sad moment especially because he is so scared of being his father. Belle showed up in Neverland because in the back of his mind Gold needed her. He needed her to talk things through with the person who always saw the good in him. He was afraid that he would take Pan up on his offer to spare his life in exchange for Henry's. I love that there is so much back story that we still do not know, and we have heard so much of Rumple's past yet there is always more to uncover. He is such a complex character who is stuck between good, and bad just like everyone at one point or another. I really liked seeing Belle in Neverland in her blue dress, and her just smiling up at the love of her life. As all my readers know I love talking about the romance on this show, and then gush about it that is just who I am. Rumple, and Belle are one of my favorite couples on this show, and I think that they will find there way back to each other.

In the fairytale world Snow was just awakened by her Prince, and they were going to live happily ever after. Well they thought that is what would happen, but Regina would not allow that to happen. The magic mirror informed her that Snow was in fact awakened from her curse, and that there was nothing more she could really do to destroy Snow White. So Regina goes to her and tells her that she is willing to let her go if she releases the kingdom to her forever. Snow deeply considered giving it up because she knew that more lives would be lost if she stood up to Regina. Charming knew that deep down Snow could defeat Regina, but she was denying who she really was inside. This whole episode was about being true to who you really are inside, and in Snow's case she was the true ruler of the kingdom. It was a brilliant story line because I think that is something that everyone struggles with, and it is not easy to believe in yourself all the time. Charming went to Rumplestiltskin for help once again, but he was unable to help him. He planted a fake sword that he told Snow was Excalibur, and then she believed that she would be able to defend her kingdom from Regina's evil reign. The fact was that Charming got zero help from Rumple, and when Snow summoned him to pay off Charming's debt there was nothing to pay. He told her that Charming had come to him for help but he turned him away because there was nothing he could do. Rumple ended up taking the necklace that Snow was wearing that just so happened to belong to her mother. When Snow confronted Charming he told her that he always believed in her, and that no matter what she was the true ruler. He told her that she was strong enough to defeat Regina, and he knew that all along.

There was a lot of sad realizations in this episode, and it was just so good. Emma got the map that Pan gave her to work, and she realized who she truly was. After going head to head with the lost boys she was upset, and didn't know what to do about saving Henry. Emma was telling Mary Margaret all the things she felt when she attacked the boy with the knife. Emma said that she saw herself, someone who is lost and broken. In that moment she was back in the foster system where she was a scared lost little girl who could not understand why her parents didn't want her. She was an orphan, and she still felt like one. She did not feel like a savior, or like she had her parents, she still felt lost. I thought "Lost Girl" was the perfect title because that is who Emma is the lost girl. Pan asks if he can call her lost girl, and Emma just says whatever to that comment. Pan then tells her that she has not yet forgiven her parents for abandoning her even though she understands they wanted to give her the best chance she had. Pan tells her that Henry still hasn't forgiven her either, and that was a smack in the face for Emma because she did the same with Henry. She wanted her son to have a better life than she did. The last thing that Pan said to her was that once she finally found her way to Henry he would not want to leave the island. It was an intense episode tonight, and to make things even crazier when the group was fighting the lost boys Charming got hit by an arrow laced with the same poison Hook used on Rumple. He told Snow that it just hit his jacket but at the end of the episode you see the cut on his side, and the poison starting to spread.

So there you go fellow Oncers this post was a little more detailed only because there was so much going on in the episode tonight. I thought that this was a great episode, and I can't wait to see Tinkerbell in next weeks episode. Her and Regina have an interesting relationship with each other, and I cannot wait to see that story. Thank you for reading.

Keep Dreaming and Scheming! Till Next Time!


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