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Glee "A Katy or A GaGa" After Thoughts

I am not one to talk about Glee so much but I was watching the new episode and for some reason I had thoughts about it. When Kurt is auditioning Star Child played by Adam Lambert to be in his band, he tells him that he needs to town down his wardrobe, and attitude that kind of pissed me off. Kurt was always the one who was taking all these crazy steps in high school and now he is putting down someone for things that he would have done.

Now the glee club is doing an assignment where the people who define themselves as Katy's need to go GAGA, and vice versa. Sam is trying to impress the school nurse that he is in love with now, and so he is going all out with the GAGA stuff. Rachel is having a heart to heart with Kurt when she tells him that she needs to stop being so picky, and that he needs Star Child in his band no matter how much he wants to do a mainstream thing so that he is accepted by all. He is feeling a little left out right now because Rachel getting booked to do a huge Broadway show, and so he wants something for him. It is basically the same kind of Glee drama that made us love the show in the first place. I think that this show would have been so much better, but at one point it started to repeat itself with the story lines and started to lag a little bit. That might just be me thought because ratings seem to say otherwise, the fans of this show are dedicated and I think that is great because the show does still send out a good, positive message.

Bree is trying to get Jake for herself because she wants to drive a wedge between Jack and Marley. The GAGA performance was actually kind of good, they sang "Applause" might I just say that it was great seeing Sam shirtless as always. Marley doesn't want to let her GAGA out because she wants to prove a point so she comes on stage dressed as Katy Perry. I mean come on now even thought it is good stick with who you are, come on don't over do it. Will tells her that she is suspended for the rest of the week for putting her personal issues before the team, and good for him because lets be honest Katy and GAGA are both strong women who do what they want for them. Maybe it is because I am not a huge Gleek anymore, but I think that sometimes this show gets a little too much sometimes. I really did like the number though minus Marley's insecurities get in way, because she doesn't think Jake will want her. This reminds me of the whole Finn and Rachel relationship, only Rachel got it through her head that Finn loved her for her, and I actually liked them.

Okay I am sorry for rants but that is my opinion, and I am sticking to it. I still very much like this show, and I love the talent that the cast brings, just sometimes the story lines get to me. Good for Kurt though he met Elliot Gilbert A.K.A Star Child, and asks him to be in his band. Adam Lambert is just insanely cute, and he is such an amazing singer and performer. Sam got to kiss the nurse which was kind of cute after she told him her musical dark side was a lie, and he tells her that he is such a Katy. I love the cute moments of Glee and this was one of them. The Katy performance was really good, they had no costumes of gimmicks they just focused on the music. Katy Perry has such great lyrics and I am glad that they did that especially with this song, they sang "Wide Awake" and it was beautiful. The Katy group consisted of Jake, Tina, Kitty, and Unique they just did a great job with this song.

Marley and Jake have the fight that most every couple have, and that is the fight about being pressured into sex. We all know that Marley is not that kind of girl, but Jake is that kind of guy and he is just feeling like she won't even consider doing it with him. Oh the complications of high school romance right? Rachel decides to join the band after all, and she chose the name Pamela Lansbury for the band name which they all fall in love with. Sue suspends the glee club for a whole week, and that starts yet another war between Sue and Will. That starts the club to sing "Roar" by miss Katy Perry, and once again we see shirtless boys all of them Jake, Ryder, Sam, and Blaine I approve. Then the scene switches to Kurt and his band singing "Roar" and it quite amazing. Even though I have some issues with the show I love the cast, especially the originals and then Blaine is another one of my favorites. Demi and Adam are good addition to this show, and I hope to see more of them. Uh-Oh I think Jake did something very naughty with Bree, and now he is going to have to deal with Marley finding out what that is, even though we pretty much know what it is.

Next week I will definitely have to watch, it is all about twerking it up next week. "Blurred Lines" was being played and we say Mr. Schue shaking that butt too, and even Becky is joining in on the craze. I think that it would be something that could be good, and Rachel and Kurt get tattoos. So overall yes I liked this episode, and I will tune in again. Thank you as always for reading.

Keep Dreaming and Scheming! Till Next Time!


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