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Have You Been Watching 'General Hospital'?

I have been playing catch up with General Hospital and I must say that it has gotten quite good. This feud that Morgan has got going on inside himself, and then lashes out at his family was good at first, but now he is starting to annoy me. I understand that he feels hurt because he was sent away so that he wouldn't be around Sonny's business like Michael was, and in his eyes Michael is the favorite because everyone goes to Michael. It was a jerk move of Morgan's to hide that Kiki wasn't Michael's cousin, but it was messed up of Michael to be kissing and flirting with her while she was with Morgan. I like Michael more, and I just had to say that because I want to be honest and upfront about it. Morgan has been sleeping with Ava Jerome, Kiki's mother and that set Carly off enough to kick Ava out of her hotel. I know that it sucks for Morgan to feel like he is left out of the family, but when he goes up against them, and pulls crap like he's been pulling how can he blame them? Morgan finds out that "Derek" is Ava's brother and helps him spy on Sonny, and to say Sonny is pissed when he finds out is an understatement. I want to know what Morgan thought was going to happen, because he knows how much family, loyalty, and respect matter to Sonny. Morgan said that he made his choice, and since they chose Michael over him, he was choosing the Jerome's over them. At Franco's art show Morgan ran off, and naturally Michael followed after him. The Corinthos brothers had a fight, one that Kiki tried to stop, but Morgan hit Michael once he lowered his guard for Kiki and then Michael hit his head and fell into the water. Kiki tired to get Morgan's help but he just walked away, and Kiki couldn't get him out herself. Good thing that Franco and Carly were drawn to the peer and saw Kiki in the water, because Franco jumped in to save Michael. Michael's life was saved thank goodness, but Morgan looked pretty bad emotionally after the medics left the scene.

Now onto the whole Jerome/Corinthos war that is in the works here. Julian Jerome a mob boss who was thought to be dead, is not as dead as people thought. He came to Port Charles as business man Derek Wells, and thanks to the witness protection program he got away with it for so long, they gave him a new name, and face. Ava Jerome is annoying and I just really want her to go, because she just gets on my nerves every episode. Julian also happens to be Sam's father, and he was the one who saved Danny's life with the bone marrow. It is sad really because when Sonny points out that Julian is using Danny so that Sonny will not kill him. The night of Franco's show when Julian stepped outside he would be killed, but then Julian made the announcement that he was who he was. Of course Sam is going to want her father alive because he is the only one who could save Danny if he needed more marrow. Sonny and Julian are not going to stop fighting we all know a mob war is coming, and some people are going to die. Julian kisses Alexis just because things weren't complicated enough already.

The relationships are heating up in Port Charles, and I love when they are this good. Aside from all this crazy stuff happening for Sam she has found a person who can be there for her. That person is Dr. Silas Clay, and that might of shocked some people, but I knew from the moment he came on the screen they were going to be a couple. Sam has been through so much and Silas is cute with her, and with Danny that it just works. I love Silas' character because he is just so snarky, and has so much attitude he is entertaining to watch. Another couple that has been heating up again is Olivia and Sonny's relationship. After everything that happened with Connie they have kind of opened up to each other a little more, and Olivia is finding herself in that position again. I always liked them as a couple because to me Olivia had what it took to be the girlfriend of a mob boss, she didn't ask too many questions, and she didn't try to change him. The last couple I am going to mention is Franco and Carly, Franco just found out that Heather Weber and Scott Baldwin are his real parents. That was a huge shock so when poor hurt Franco leaves the gallery Carly sees that he is human after all and checks on him. They have this huge talk about everything that he is feeling, and when he tells her to leave she stays. I like the way Carly is thinking about Franco because they are so cute together, and seeing him with all these struggles just makes him more attractive. When things start to heat up between them Carly says that she cannot forget what he did to her kids, and that all the people he hurt were her family. She walks away from Franco, and that is why they end up at the docks, in time to save Michael. Of course when she sees Franco saving her sons life she is ready to take that leap of faith on him, and they sleep together. It has been so good so far and I cannot wait to see what else happens with these characters. Thank you for reading.

Keep Dreaming and Scheming! Till Next Time!


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