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Once Upon A Time 'Think Lovely Thoughts' After Thoughts

Rumple such an adorable little kid he use to be. Stephen Lord guest stars as Rumple's father, and he is a bit of a jerk. He left his son with two spinners, and that is when he recieves that straw doll that feliex gives him.
The group finds out about the prophecy regarding Gold killing Henry to save himself. It takes the promise of not using magic, and handing over Pandora's box for him to tag along. They get to Pans camp but there is no sign of him or Henry. Emma tells her parents that there is a way to save David and him beinh able to come home safely. Gold can make a potion that will save him and all they need is some water from the falls for the time being. Oh Emma taking a page out of your parents book and always looking on the bright side. Neal, Emma, Regina, and Rumple head off to skull rock to find Pan and Henry before it is too late. To stay alive Pan needs Henry's heart, and that would cause Henry to die.

There were so many things that were going on in my mind during the face off with Pan. I could not even control myself when it was revealed the Pan was indeed Rumples dad. After seeing the behind the scenes pictures and everything that started adding up I had a huge hunch that it was headed this way. Rumple as a kid saw his father chose youth over him, and you really saw the similarities in their stories. All Rumple wanted was his father but his dad had other ideas. He told Rumple that as long as he was a father he could not survive in Neverland. When the shadow took Rumple away you saw his father revert to his youth, you saw Peter Pan. The name Peter Pan in fact came from Rumple himself, that was the name of the small doll he got from his father. Poor Rumple that waa really sad seeing all of that happen to him as a small boy. The Shadow tells Pan that his days on Neverland was numbered, and that is why he needs Henry's heart to live.
Rumple faces off with his father Peter Pan and ends up getting tricked. His father put him inside Pandoras Box instead, and then it is time for Henry to do his part. When Regina, Neal, and Emma make it to Henry they see him with his heart in his hand. He says he has to do this to save the magic, and to save them. The moment Pan gets that heart in his chest, Henry falls to the ground, and Pan goes up in the air. That was the end of the episode, it went by too fast in my opinion. In 2 weeks the show returns and the promo said the Pan story will come to a conclusion. It is going to be very good to see just how this all ends. I am still in awe of the fact that Peter Pan is Henry's great grandfather. It is a very crazy family tree, and I am just expecting it to get even odder as time goes on.  Thank you as always for reading.

Keep Dreaming and Scheming! Till Next Time!


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